Friday, April 9, 2010

Curriculum Reflection

As we get close to the end of another semester (it's really the best thing about semester, that they have a beginning, a middle, and an end), I always like to encourage students to think about the progress of the semester and to try to itemize the things they have learned from their coursework. For this post, I'm asking you to try to think about the skills you are learning in BENG 102 and compare them to the skills you learned in BENG 101. Do they seem like differently focused classes to you (not just in terms of content, but also in terms of method and goals)? Do they feel progressive or repetitive? Is this class providing ways for you to track your progress between the two?

As always, there is no right answer here that I am looking for, and I am definitely not interested in just reading that the class is great and you are learning so much. I am genuinely curious about your experience with these components of the curriculum.


  1. Just the other day I was thinking about this very thing. I was thinking about how at the beginning of english 102 I didn't want to speak up in class as much because I didn't realize how many times I would be asked to explain my point about something in particular. Now that its almost over I realized that I did learn how to relate my opinion more clearly and I didn't even realize it until I thought about it the other day and noticed that I am not asked why as much anymore. Maybe its because my points are boring I don't know but I feel like I have definitely learned how to relate my opinions better. In english 101 we didn't have to speak out load and most of the time there was an awkward silence after a question was asked. In english 102 I feel like that the awkward silence is now associated with people thinking rather than people looking to see who was going to answer the question first. I am definitely ready to be done with this semester but I feel like I have learned more socialization skills and I am glad I can use that in my other classes. I have had to work hard this semester but it's building character. :)

  2. I feel that my English classes have been effective so far. In 101, we learned how to write a good argument, mainly from nonfiction texts. But now in 102, we are close reading any kind of text, to create an argument of our own. It seems like a logical order to take in order to teach students how to write.

    In addition to the two classes feeling like they have a sense of order, 102 by itself has given me the same impression. We started learning to close read, and then we applied it to short stories and a novel. When we moved to poetry, I think that we all understood that "close reading" can be utilized to examine any type of literature.
