Sunday, April 11, 2010

The very first semester i had english was fun but the teacher really didnt teach us much... I'm not trying to say that the teacher was bad or that i slacked off, it's just that the course itself wasnt much of a challenge, nor fun. All we did pretty much was read "New York Review of Books" and read little stories from books hwich we were quizzed on later on. We had class discussions but i just felt like i was back in first grade... BENG102 actually feels like a college level class. Professor is more alive, more entertaining, and definitely keeps me busy. Not as far as giving us a lot of work but in class i'm not distracted or falling asleep, i'm actually7 partivipating and paying attention. Even though there are some hard contests to learn and i'm not doing the best i can, i trully think the class is worth my time, There were some books i didnt like and not going to lie, some that i barely red because i thought they were boring, but some things were interesting. I love class discussions and the fact that we get separated in to groups and analyze what ever the assignment is together. I like things that are challenging and not things like tests or long homeworks, but stuff like reading out loud in class and than having to anylyze and discuss the reading. The only thing that i missed having in 102 is movies! I believe we watched two movies in 101, maybe just one that we watched several days, but i think watching a movie in class that is interesting and has something to do with what we are learning is very entertaining and fun. I dont like the blog post assignments... Not because i think it's bad or anything but because i just forget about the online blogs during the weekends, it just totally fly's out of my head. Unfortunately it is a grade so i have to do it but i'd rather not have anything like online homewor's or papers that i have to do for a grade. Other than that i think 102 is way more fun and i definitely learned a lot more in here that i did in my 101 class. Just need to add a couple of movies, less papers, no online blog and more class discussions! Class is pretty chill though i'm looking forward to my 103, if i happend to take it...


  1. I found this class a lot more difficult than English 101. The material that we read in English 101 was more interesting to me, and therefore easier to understand. But in English 102 we have read older literature that is very hard to understand. I know it is also important to read this famous literature, but it is just harder to follow. This has made writing my essays a lot harder. I learned this semester how hard it is to write essays analyzing literature. It has also been very hard for me to meet the page requirements, and my essays end up a little repetitive. Sometimes I have felt that I am not up to the level required to write this long essays, and that my previous English classes have not prepare me enough for the level of this English 102 class.

  2. I agree with Tolya. I think that this English 102 class is more challenging, in a good way, than my other English classes to where I know that it is worth my time. Like Tolya, the one thing that I do not like is the blogs. It is not like they are hard to do, I just always forget to do them on Sunday. For instance, I am writing this blog now and its is right before my English class so that I can get them all in for a grade. I haven’t always enjoyed what we were reading also but if I would of read them like “The Diamond Age“ on my own I would not have understood them so I am glad now that we did read them all.

  3. I agree with both of you guys, i mean this class is definitely a little more challenging but it all ties with English 101. All that we learned in the previous English helped me understand a little more and taught me how to prepare my papers. My previous English class we didn’t have so much to do and it was interesting, but I learned the organization skills I needed to write for any paper I received. In a way, my first English was easier than this one, but I have learned to develop my skills and incorporate everything I have learned in both classes. That it has been a challenge, it has but I have learned to develop my thoughts and write. In my opinion, this class involved more of me than my other English.

  4. I didn't take English 101 at USCB. I took it in duel enrollment course at TCL, and where that felt like an extension of high school, English 102 actually feels like what a college course should feel like. It is challenging and intellectually stimulating and I feel as if we all actually got something out of the text that we were required to read.
