Monday, March 22, 2010

What is college for?

I'm late on this and I apologize. I am thinking about Andrew Delbanco's upcoming talk "What is college for?" (3/24 7:15 Hargray 156) and wondering how you would answer that question. If this is your week for a blog post, write a bit about what you think college is for, both personally (why are you here) and on a broader societal level.


  1. What is college for? That is a question that I have actually thought about. I have thought about this because it seems as if there are many jobs that require a college degree, but we think “I could do that.” And I believe that to be true in some cases. I know that college is meant to prepare one for their future career, but feel that there is more to it than just that. I feel that a college degree says, “I can commit to something, follow it through, and be responsible.” It seems to me that employers, in many cases, are looking for those things that a college degree implies, rather than the actual knowledge obtained. (Of course, this doesn’t apply to all types of careers because some do require very specific knowledge, but I truly feel that in many cases it does.) I believe that a college degree also shows that one can think and has been challenged, which are also desirable qualities to have.
    For me, college is about changing my path in life. I found that when I “grew up,” I didn’t want to do what I originally thought I did. It took me a long time to realize what I truly wanted out of life and how to go about getting it. I realized that I didn’t just want a paycheck. I wanted to feel good about what I was doing. And, since I am not independently wealthy, it made sense for me to be able to help people and get paid for it. So, here I am pursuing a degree in Human Services, with the intention on getting my Master’s degree in Social Work.

  2. College is a time for many new things in one's life. New people, new places, new knowledge. I think the greatest thing college is for is change. In a college world, you are responsible for everything you do and don't do, all at once. If you do your work, study, and focus on just your school work you will excel in whatever you aim for. On the other hand, if you don't go to class, go out drinking everynight, and focus on making it just a good time, you will fail miserably. Finding the right balance is what makes one succeed.
    To me, college is a time to grow and become the adult I want to be. It is taking the time and effort to build my career and my future. I won't over-stress myself about assignments, but I try to keep my schoolwork as my main focus. This is the time in my life to become independent, as I've always wanted to be. Right now, I am able to be independent to a certain extent. Enough so that I can learn to balance my time management and social life into one positive movement. It's also the time to narrow down what I want in life, and work to reach my goals.

  3. I agree with Shannon, college is full of opportunities and if you decide to throw away those opportunities by partying it up all through college you have missed the point. College helps you grow intelligently and also as a person. Most people don't go to college just to go, at least not after the first two years. College is all about starting a career and making plans, and that is also why I agree with Shannon because college has so much to do with change, and I think that for some people it can be overwhelming, but with perfect time management you can make college a success. Personally college was never really an option from the time I entered school I was told that one day I would have to go to college, and I am glad that my parents decided to push me to go to college because that made me want to go because it sounded so exciting, which it is, the work not so much. But all great things take time and hard work.

  4. College is very important and a definite key to success. Many jobs require some sort of college degree in order to even be considered as a possible candidate. College prepares you for the world and what to expect from it. It also gives you the tools to make it through life and make life better not just for yourself, but for others as well. I made the decision to come to college to ensure that I will be well qualified for any job that I want when I get out of school with as little complications as possible. I want to be the first in line, at the top of the list of future employees and be chosen as the best person for the job. Some people attend college simply for the experience. Others attend school as a way to appease their parents and their dreams for their children to go to college after high school. The parents' intentions are usually in the right place, but they need to understand that the decision, ultimately, is up to the person and they should not stress the issue but encourage ways to reach a better future.

  5. I would like to comment on Shannon's response. It sounds like she really has a good head on her shoulders and is at school for the right reasons. It's good to hear that not everyone comes to school with the mentality of "Hey, let's all get wasted" at the first sign of independence. To me, that doesn't prove independence, but irresponsibility and immaturity. Another thing I noticed about how Shannon responded was that it appears that Shannon does her work and also gets a balance of fun and experience in as well. There are some people that come to school to simply party and then you have those who come to school to just study and not incorporate the essence of fun; the other side of the entire college experience. She seems to have a nice balance and that's what a lot more students who should take into consideration.

  6. I agree with Shannon and Dena. Like Dena I have thought about the question myself. As I grew up it meant something totaly different to me. I want to be able to be indepently wealthy and not have to depend on a man so I wanted to major in a occupation that would be able to support that, if I happened to not get married or be divorced. Also, I wanted to help other people that need help with sicknesses, it brings me a lot of happiness when I have helped someone in that situation, so that is why I am majoring in Nursing!
    Just like Shannon, I belive it is your choice of how you want to take college, you need to make the best decisions for yourself and be able to manage your time. You can either fail or excel and be happy. College is very important in ones life. In a sense you find out who you are and what you want from life and it gives you the life lessons you will use the rest of your life and hopefully be able to teach your kids one day.
    College means something different to everyone. Some want to just party and it's a chance for them to get away from their parents and some have their head on right and go for the right reasons. If you had a survey asking this question at different colleges, you would get all different answers.

  7. I agree with Shannon, students need the total college experience.Not only in staying on top of class work but also having a normal social life. the majority of college students are living on theri own for the first time. They need to learn how to make it in a mellower version of the real world in order to have experience being able to care for themselves without mothers and fathers around them to help them guide their every step. Definitely college is serious bussiness and it is basically the foundation to what a person really wants to do with their life. studying should be the number one priority. however, all work and no play can really take wear a person down.
